Frequently asked questions

Payouts and fees

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Payouts and fees

How is compensation shared?

When we win a claim that you participate in, we will seek to recover compensation in the form of damages or penalties.

We use this compensation to first cover our costs in relation to the claim. An example of these costs is the fees we paid our lawyers. These costs are not paid to Datagator. And if the costs exceed the compensation received, Datagator will cover the difference.

The remainder of the proceeds is split between everyone that participated in the claim and Datagator. You and the other participants collectively receive 60%, and Datagator receives the rest. This means Datagator only receives a share if you do too.

How, and when is my share paid out?

We’ll keep you updated by email about the progress of claims that you participate in. If a claim is won and you are entitled to a share of compensation, we will then notify you and request your payment information to pay out your share (after we have covered our costs).

We will seek to make payouts within 60 days after we have received the compensation from the defendant and, if the compensation was awarded by a court, after the judgment has become final.